I. N. Gregory, Philadelphia
The ten tracts were sold at one cent each in wraps. They also were
combined into one volume called Story Sermons. They were published in
These simple stories had been published previously. But in
this format with this title, it is a first edition. Neither the small
tracts or the combination volume has been seen.
1. Sick and in Prison. Heavenly Minded
2. And I will Give you Rest. The Life to Come
3. On Our Side. Abide in Me
4. Not Afraid to Die. The Two Houses
5. Sister Marcia; or, Where do the Birds Build and the Foxes Burrow
6. Beautiful on the Mountains
7. Only an Outsider
8. Seen and the Unseen. Good Deeds
9. In the Hereafter
10. Sunday Religion. Our Heavenly Homes. Rich or Poor?