William Sloanaker, Philadelphia

This Philadelphia firm published one T. S. Arthur book: A Christmas Box for the Sons and Daughters of Temperance. It is a first edition and most likely only had one printing. The Arthur title was published in December, 1846. The title page notes 1847. It is 12 mo and 133 pages.

A newspaper ad stated that this book "exhibits the festivities of Christmas in the same family, under the different influences of brandy, wine and water."

The Sloanaker house published books in 1846-1847 at 98 Chestnut Street.

William Sloanaker is probably best known for his 1848-1852 partnership with John Sartain. Prior to that in addition to publishing books on his own imprint, he had been a bookkeeper for the publishers of "Graham's Magazine" in the early 1840's and of "The Casket" until it failed in 1848. Apparently, Sloanaker convinced Sartain to buy the Union Magazine. In 1848 the two men, as partners, bought the Union Magazine for $5000.

The new periodical, Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art began publication in January, 1849. Sloanaker was the business manager while Sartain ran the art department.

Because of financial difficulties, it was out of business by 1852. Sartain later alleged financial misconduct against Sloanaker. He discovered that Sloanaker had been using profits from the magazine to buy farm equipment, land and buildings. Apparently it took Sartain many years to repay the debts from the magazine.