Wm. H. Alden, Philadelphia
Not much is known about this publisher. It published a number of religiously oriented books/ tracts in the 1880’s and 1890’s.
In 1893 Alden published T. S. Arthur’s Story-Sermons in
wraps for 15 cents. The XVII tracts had previously been printed as ten
different pamphlets for one cent each by I. N. Gregory in 1885. Each of
these stories had previously been published in other works before the
Gregory printing.
This book has not been seen.
The contents:
I. Sick and in Prison
II. Heavenly Minded
III. And I will Give you Rest
IV. The Life to Come
V. On Our Side
VI. Abide in Me
VII. Not Afraid to Die
VII. The Two Houses
IX. Sister Marcia; or, Where do the Birds Build and the Foxes Burrow
X. Beautiful on the Mountains
XI.. Only an Outsider
XII. Seen and the Unseen
XIII. Good Deeds
XIV. In the Hereafter
XV. Sunday Religion
XVI. Our Heavenly Homes
XVII. Rich or Poor?